PDFCreator New Latest Version

PDFCreator from any Windows application to create a PDF file that allows a straight forward tool. PDFCreator with the Portable Document Format ( PDF) files on Windows computers is known as Adobe Acrobat files, can create. PDFCreator is a printer driver. This PDF created by programming in order to change the printer commands and store them in a PDF file. Result now you can print from virtually all applications can create PDF files. Word, StarCalc or any other Windows application, use it like a printer. The program installs as a virtual printer driver. To create your PDF file, simply open the document, choose Print in your application, and it pointing PDFCreator printer, Click on the file name and folder description, then click Save, and that's it-you will have your version of a PDF file in just a second or two.

PDFCreator color, greyscale and monochrome images provides separate controls, and each involved the exact JPEG compression element, optionally resampling method and specify the details like resolution. If you need more control for the optional document title, author, subject or keyword can enter, and all of them to readers through the PDF viewer will appear. For example, your photos, your PDF files will be stored, how are able to create.
Other options you when and how the font will be embedded in your file, and want to help you to decide the color models allow. Security features (eg your document, print, and is being modified to prevent the can), you encrypt the password protected file, including the ability to add or restrictions. PDF creator that will help you create, though, with a digital certificate to sign your PDF file is also possible: You will have a source.

PDFCreator features:
  • Printable Create PDFs from any program that is
  • Send files by e-mail produced
  • Integer is the author sure your PDFs to sign and file has not been modified
  • Username, computername, date, time, etc. based on tags AutoSave files to folders and filenames
  • Security: Also Encrypt PDFs and protect them from being opened, printed etc.
  • Long -term archive for the PDF/A files Tickets
  • Create more than just PDFs: PNG, JPG, TIFF, BMP, PCX, PS, EPS
  • Multiple files into one PDF Merge
  • Easy Install: Just say what you want and everything is installed
  • Terminal Server: PDFCreator also runs on Terminal Servers without problems
  • PDFCreator also for commercial use, it's free ! It's open source under the terms of the GNU General Public License is issued.
Homepage – http://www.pdfforge.org
Size: 26.6 MB
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